Interactive Video Player
JavascriptPreactCSSJestTest Café
ResponsiveLightweightCustomizableOpt-in AnalyticsInteractive QuestionsDashHLSHTML5
As students watch an educational video, they get asked questions; If they don’t understand something, they can send a question to the instructor; At the end of the video, students can also give feedback about the content.
4 weeks to release and 3 months adding new features, testing and fixing bugs.
Role, responsibilities, and challenges
As a frontend developer, I helped to make the video player lightweight (from almost 200KB to 65KB bundle size), customizable and safely embeddable.
Migrating from React to Preact, eliminating “unnecessary” third party libraries and refactoring the entire CSS from CSS-in-JS to inline CSS were challenging tasks. I also covered critical features with end-to-end tests.