Abril 1st, 2020
Why you should understand closure in Javascript
Definitely NOT because it’s a common interview question, but because it’s one of the most useful and powerful features of Javascript.
Abril 1st, 2020
Definitely NOT because it’s a common interview question, but because it’s one of the most useful and powerful features of Javascript.
Mar 28th, 2020
Learn how to re-use existing functions in your codebase to expressively create new ones with the help of currying, partial application, and higher-order functions.
Feb 15th, 2020
useReducer makes your state logic more declarative and flexible. Use it when you need to update multiple pieces of state at once. Use useState for independent pieces of state.
Jan 6th, 2020
Use useRef to persist state between re-renders, but avoid re-renders when the state changes. Use useState to persist state and re-render when the state changes.